Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hodge Podge of Crafties...

I know, I know, I have loads of school stuff to be doing.  Let's not talk about that, because honestly sitting here knowing that my classroom isn't finished, that I have no key to get into the building, and that I just NOW got my new school email account up and running (which had emails in it since May, mind you, so I'm just a little behind here!), I'm pretty stressed out about the new school year.  I'm trying to take it a day at a time, a project at a time....but it's freaking me out!  I've worked some on my Writer's notebook, but it's not beautiful enough to post anything on here yet (will it ever be beautiful? probably not, but it WILL be finished...I'm halfway through, so that counts for something, right?), and instead of spending all my time working on school, I thought I'd take a little more time off and do some scrapbooking - crafts are good for the soul, yes?  (So is shopping, but let's not suggest that  I go do that!!!)

Here is a page I just finished about our wedding party. I had this idea that I wanted a long, sort of panoramic shot of the wedding party in the middle that was surrounded by single shots of them individually and with us.  I like how it turned out, but after the fact I thought it may have been more fun to use shots of us in college with them and then include little captions about them as individuals - like their favorite beer or a funny memory of them.  Anyways, there's always time to add that in the form of another page, right?

I hand-drew the frame around the big picture and purposely made it wavy, not only because I can't draw a straight line to save my life, but because I like how things look when they have squiggly lines all overlapped like that.  Then I added the brackets, because brackets are so "in" right now.  I printed out the title and the names and pasted them where they belonged.  Super simple, but I really like it.
 Here's a close up picture so you can admire my squiggly hand-drawn border....

Apparently I'm going through a "white background" phase, because here is another page I did recently.  It took a lot more time and thought than the previous layout, and I'm pretty sure it's just because it was a very specific picture I was using.  It's a page about losing my own dad very young and not having him around for the wedding, but being blessed with the best father-in-law in the world.  I think really highly of John, so I needed this layout to be perfect.  (My type-A personality coming out in full force.)
I normally dont use such tiny pictures when they are the only photo on a layout, but in this case, I did for two reasons:  I already had the 4x6 print, so it was totally free to use, and I thought the smaller picture lent itself to the closeness of the hug and the feeling I was trying to express in the journal.

"How's the kitchen coming?" you may ask.  Well, here is the test run for the chalkboard that will soon be taking the place of my boring all white cabinets.  John stopped by late last week and we did a few tests and then just threw the paint up there, so the job is pretty sloppy and the color isn't right (I promised Jonathan no more green in the house.....) but I love it so far.  It's a handy place to write quick lists and notes, and Ollie was super excited that maybe she could ALSO write on it some day.  Some day, baby.  Some day.

PEACHES!!!  Deb went up to Dave's Supermarket in Fairbury some time last week and got us loads of peaches since we couldn't financially swing a trip to Southern IL to get our own.  Needless to say, my whole house smells pretty great (much like heaven, I think!), and I've been spending a lot of free time peeling, slicing, and freezing these beauties so I can still eat my most favorite fruit even in the dregs of winter.  YAY!

 Yet another home project.....this time made out of a cereal box! I had pinned this a loong time ago on Pinterest and actually forgot about it, but I came across it last week some time and realized I had the perfect spot for it!  THis is the side of my scrapbook table that John promised we could attach shelves to (hasn't happened yet, but oh well!).  I had a small drawer thing that was supposed to be in Ollie's room under it, but it wasn't being well utilized and all of the papers were piling up everywhere.  So I cut a cereal box in half (the back is a little higher than the front) and covered it in a picture that I'd already had printed that used to hang in that very spot!  Anyway, it was super easy, amazingly cheap, and solved my problem!  I made 2 more as well and hung them lower to stash drawing paper for the kids and colored pencils that they can grab easily.  It made the side of the desk look way nicer than before, and all for ZERO dollars!!!  I'm finding places to add more of these around the house - like one for the dry erase boards and markers, maybe one for coupons....the possibilities are endless!  and when they get too junky, I'll just toss them and build a new one!

I wonder if I should work on writing shorter blog posts that focus on ONE thing instead of a million....but guess what, that's how my brain works! 50,000 different things all happening at once!  Now back to the school stuff.......EEEEEKKKK!!!!

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